Суббота, 27.07.2024
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Central State Historical Archives of Ukraine in Kiev (TsDIAK of Ukraine)
Funds administrative and military-administrative agencies
Fund 6 Kiev Boundary Commission
43 collection items, 1735-1789 years
Fund 51 General military office
23253 collection items, 1656–1765 years
Fund 53 First Malorosiya board 
1132 collection items, 1722-1727 years 

Fund 54 Second Malorosiya board 
17978 collection items, 1764-1786 years
Fund 59 Kiev guberniya (province) office
9996 collection items, 1709–1781 years
Fund 193 Kiev namestnichestvo board
1769-1797 years

Fund 206 Novgorod-Seversk namestnichestvo board
12484 collection items, 1781-1797 years
Fund 204 Chernigov namestnichestvo board

Fund 209 Ekaterinoslav namestnichestvo board
Fund 210 Podol namestnichestvo boars
51 collection items, 1795-1797 years
Fund 211 Voznesensk namestnichestvo board 

Fund 212 Brazlav namestnichestvo board
Fund 229 The Kosh of New Zaporozhskaya Sich
372 collection items, 1713-1777 years
Fund 269 Office of hetman K. G. Razumovsky
4245 collection items, 1750-1764 years
Fund 335 Odessa temporary general-gubernator 
240 collection items, 1905-1908 years

Fund 356 Nikolaev military gubernator 
486 collection items, 1850-1900 years

Fund 358 Nikolaev, Kherson and Dnepr military general-gubernator
43 collection items, 1906-1908 years 

Fund 361 Office of military general-gubernator of Galicia 
3349 collection items, 1914-1917 years 

Fund 363 Headquarters of military general-gubernator of Galicia 
370 collection items, 1914-1917 years 

Fund 442 Office of Kiev, Podol and Volyn general-gubernator
278601 collection items, 1796-1916 years
Fund 443 Trusteeship Committee on Foreign settlers of the Southern Territory of Russia. The city of Odessa
1 collection item, 1874-1878 years
Fund 481 The Central Commission for the revision of action of the nobility parliamentary assemblies of Kiev, Podol and Volyn guberniya (provinces). The nobility of Kiev, Podol and Volyn provinces
2638 collection item, 1836-1848 years
Fund 533 Kiev military gubernator. The city of Kiev 
6518 collection items, 1796-1836 years 

Fund 736 Office of Kiev, Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversk general-gubernator 
1215 collection items, 1781-1796 years 

Fund 906 Office of temporary general-gubernator of Kremenchug. The town of Kremenchug 
2 collection items, 1905-1906 years
Fund 969 Office of Chernigov, Poltava and Kharkov general-gubernator. The city of Kharkov
284 collection items, 1835-1856 years 

Fund 1191 Office of temporary Kharkov general-gubernator. The city of Kharkov
1662 collection items, 1879-1882 years
Fund 1336 Malorosiya guberniya board 
330 collection items, 1796-1802 years 

Fund 1342 Office of temporary Podol and Volyn military gubernator
90 collection items, 1830-1831 years 

Fond 1343 Malorosiya military gubernator. The city of Chernigov 
32 collection items, 1801-1836 years
Fund 1638 Voronezh guberniya office 
151 collection items, 1708-1775 yaers
Fund 1819 Belgorod guberniya office 
421 collection items, 1720-1779 years 

Fund 1820 Novorossiysk guberniya office 
23 collection items, 1776-1783 years
Fund 1959 Office of Kharkov and Voronezh general-gubernator
640 collection items, 1781-1796 years
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